What Are Our Investors Saying?
“I made a decision to invest in The Shelby County Chamber a few years ago because of the networking and business services for small businesses. As a new business owner, the chamber was a vital part of my growth as a leader. I felt fortunate when KATs Delivery was nominated to be small business of the year 2018 by my peers and then successful in clinching the award in 2019. I have continued to stay involved and support other small businesses.”
– Maurice Mercer, Owner, KATs Delivery. Katsdelivery.com

(205) 991-0020
“At Inverness Eye Care we are committed to providing the highest quality of care for our patients, and our investment in The Shelby County Chamber helps us do just that by connecting us with our community. As a member of the Shelby Chamber’s Health Services Work Group, we have been able to speak on Eye Health in the Workplace during the 8th annual Healthcare Professional of the year and connect with business owners concerned about the health and wellness of their employees. The Shelby County Chamber is a staple in our community, and they strive to do what’s best for the businesses and residents in our county!”
– Dr. Timothy J. Ansley, O.D., President, Alabama Eye Partners LLC, Inverness Eye Care. Invernesseyecare.com
(205) 564-8564
“I’m a relatively new business owner. When I first “opened” Vinehouse Nursery, I thought I was ready. I quickly realized there was a lot that I didn’t know. The Shelby County Chamber has been a truly worthwhile investment for us, and the Chamber has continued to offer valuable advice, marketing, and a wealth of information which has truly been instrumental in our success. I would strongly recommend any small business taking advantage of all the resources which our Chamber has to offer.”
– Khiari McAlpin, Owner, Vinehouse Nursery. Vinehousenursery.com
(205) 565-7339
“Business networking at The Shelby County Chamber works! At my very first event – before I even decided to invest in the Chamber – I met someone who was looking for locksmith services. Then, at my second event, I made even more potential business contacts, I would not have made elsewhere. We know we won’t get a contract every time we are at a Shelby County Chamber event, but feel positive that the business contacts we do make will more than pay for our annual investment. If you’re a small business in Shelby County, and you’re looking to grow your business, investing in this Chamber may be one of the best decisions you make.”
– Michelle Harrell, Co-Owner, LockCorp, Inc. Lockcorpinc.com
“Shelby County is a great place to live and do business, and The Shelby County Chamber is one of the big reasons why this is true! Our business has experienced consistent growth as we have taken advantage of the numerous business networking opportunities that are available. We also really appreciate the collaborative partnership between the Chamber, the County and all of our municipalities spelled out in “ShelbyOne – Next Level Up!” – their five-year strategic plan. When you also recognize the Chamber’s efforts in business development and support, career readiness and all the ways in which it supports our County, I think you’ll better understand why I believe the future here is so bright! If your organization isn’t a Shelby County Chamber investor yet, we’d strongly recommend it!”
– Ken Sawyer, CEO, Saywer Solutions, LLC. Sawyersolutionsllc.com
(205) 408-7150
“We are in the business of spreading Good News and being an investor in the Shelby Chamber helps us do that by connecting us with businesses as well as readers we can serve. The Chamber staff acts as an extension to my team- always upbeat, quick to respond, and determined to help in any way they can to see my business succeed.”
– Laurie Stroud, Owner, Birmingham Christian Family Magazine. Birminghamchristian.com
“The partnership Jefferson State Community College has with the Chamber is a key component in providing skilled workers for the Shelby County workforce. Whether it be new training opportunities or enhancing current workforce initiatives, we will continue to work closely together to address the ever-evolving workforce needs of our communities.”
— Keith Brown, Jefferson State Community College
“Developing and sustaining a qualified workforce is a constant challenge for employers— especially after yet another paradigm shift caused by the global pandemic. The fact that the Chamber is working directly with the educational community at all grade levels in equipping our students to enter the workforce and now will leverage current programming by convening and collaborating with other stakeholders of like-interest and additional training partners, is absolutely on the right track.”
– Chris Wilder, SEPCO (Sealing Equipment Products Company)
Interim Dean, Stephens College of Business, University of Montevallo
(205) 969-8910
“Joining The Shelby County Chamber just may be the best decision we’ve made since we started. Everything this Chamber offers – business networking opportunities, one-on-one business consulting, workshops, and the increased visibility we receive as investors – has benefited our company. We realize that making this annual investment is something we need to do to keep our business moving forward.”
– Cindy Edmunds, Agent, ARC Realty. Cindyedmunds.arcrealtyco.com
(205) 983-2167
“Whenever I can attend a Greater Shelby County Chamber function I’m able to make several new business contacts. In fact, at my very first luncheon which I attended, I made a contact for some new business that paid for my annual investment right away. Now, not all of the individuals I meet end up being customers, but they have friends and business associates so the networking goes beyond just the people we meet at Chamber events.”
– John Turner, Owner, Turner Promotions. Turnerpromotions.com